
Coscine is already used by a large number of institutes and in numerous research projects. Based on the feedback we receive from our users, Coscine is continuously developed and improved. Among the pilot users (before the transition to regular operation in April 2023) were:

With the transition to regular operation since April 2023, RWTH Aachen University, FH Aachen University, TU Dortmund University, the University of Duisburg Essen, NFDI members and all HAWs and FHs from NRW should be able to use Coscine including RDS resources in the future. You would also like to use Coscine for your university or institute? Feel free to contact us.

Community Features

You are also very welcome to make a contribution within GitLab to the Community Features. If you would like to share an interesting example of automated uploading of files to Coscine, direct transfer of metadata, etc., you can do so there. First read through the Contributing Repository and then add creative implementations in connection with Coscine.